Real Estate Document Management Software - Solving The Paper Problem in Real Estate

The amount of documentation in the ever-changing world of real estate transactions can easily become too much to handle. Real estate agents must regularly manage a complex paper web made up of property listings, contracts, leasing agreements, and other pertinent data. Using traditional paper-based document management can be resource-intensive, slow down operations, and lead to errors.

SKYSITE India has launched real estate document management software, a secure solution for converting transactional real-estate papers to digital format. Our scanning, archiving and indexing services make it possible for papers to be easily shared, located fast, and accessed from anywhere. With real estate document management software you can avoid the overhead costs of managing your paper records by converting them to an easily accessible and searchable electronic format through a secure, accuracy-driven process. SKYSITE India offers imaging and scanning services for all kinds of papers pertaining to real estate such as mortgage files, credit information, title information, land plots and blue prints, contracts and much more.

Paper Problem in Real Estate

Benefits of Real Estate Document Management Software

Say goodbye to an overflowing cabinet and time consuming searches for crucial documents by embracing the benefits of real estate document management software.

Better Access

The global nature of the real estate industry necessitates the need for critical information to always be instantly accessible, even outside of regular business hours and time zones. Whether you are working from home, vacationing, or commuting, as modern investors you must have access to critical information always at your disposal. SKYSITE India’s real estate document management software offers 24/7 document access making it easy for investors to obtain important papers when they're on the go.

Easier Inspection

One of the most time-consuming jobs of property managers is property inspection. This frequent job requires writing all important and appropriate details and re-writing the details in the office to store as official data, which has to be searched through every time you need to inspect. With SKYSITE India’s real estate document management software you can perform property inspection seamlessly as it allows you to produce informative reports when in the field

Greater Security

Real estate transactions include financial and sensitive personal information. The likelihood of these confidential and proprietary data being exposed to unauthorized parties rises in the absence of appropriate management and storage practices. SKYSITE India’s real estate document management software uses top-notch encryption to avoid security breaches and guarantee that only authorized users can access particular files.

Better Compliance

There are legal requirements that must be met in every real estate transaction. It is essential to have the right paperwork in the various formats that the relevant authorities want. To help with regulatory compliance, our real estate document management software makes sure you have access to all transactional and legal information. SKYSITE India’s real estate document management software also assists in real-estate auditing as well.

Property Management

One of the main components of real estate-based enterprise solutions is property management. It is probably one of the main motivations for property owners considering the use of real estate document management software. These software simplifies monitoring and communicating processes. Our real estate document management software avails all important real estate data at your disposal. Besides, we also reduce the need for third party resources, accelerating your business processes and enabling you to gain greater management uniformity and improved performance.

Real Estate Document Management Software Services

Document Scanning

SKYSITE India’s real estate document management software leverages OCR technology to scan your documents. Meaning you can search through your scanned and stored documents in a matter of seconds to retrieve important information such as date of registration, property name, client name, loan number and much more.

Document Storage

Document archiving service is another feature offered by our real estate document management software. We keep your unseen real estate records for extended periods of time in a safe, central repository under document archiving. In addition, we free up storage space for data that you use on a regular basis. In the end, this saves you time by making information easier to find when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can digital documents enhance security and accessibility of my real estate business?

    Compared to physical documents digital documents are more safe and are easy to access from anywhere at any time. Besides, our real estate document management software indexes each of your documents which makes them editable and easy to search through.

  • I have some real estate documents that are now yellow while some are torn, can your real estate document management software scan these documents?

    SKYSITE India’s real estate document management software is efficient enough to restore your old and distorted documents as well. Get in touch with our customer executives today to get a quote.

  • How much does it cost to scan real estate documents for almost 5 years?

    Our charges for document scanning depend on your requirement, we also give lucrative discounts on bulk orders. Get in touch with our customer executives to get a quote today.

  • Can I search my digitized documents using keywords?

    Yes we use OCR technology to scan your real estate documents and index them. This technology makes your documents searchable with keywords.

  • How do you guarantee security of my confidential documents when scanning?

    Our document scanning experts are highly trained and they make sure your confidential data is preserved the way you want it to be.


Do you have documents to scan? Contact us today

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